Acai Berry Moisturizer, with Aloe and Jojoba


Acai Berry Moisturizer, with Aloe and Jojoba


for normal to dry skin. Feel and see the amazing antioxidant benefits of the acai berry, which is grown in the Amazon Rainforest. It has been touted as the new “Super Food” by health and fitness publications everywhere.
Researchers have found that, among many other medical and cosmetic benefits, acai berries contain extremely high concentrations of antioxidants which have been shown to combat the signs of premature aging.
The new Skin Script Acai Berry Moisturizer is an anti-aging, nourishing, vitamin-packed cream for all skin types.
This moisturizer provides incredible hydration leaving the skin feeling very soft.
Antioxidants protect from environmental damage while relieving the surface signs of aging.

Acai Berry Moisturizer Benefits:
Rich in Vitamins B, C & E
Excellent antioxidant properties of the Acai Berry
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
Promotes healing and collagen synthesis

Recommended for normal, combination, and sensitive skin.
Directions for use: After cleansing and toning, use morning and night on face, neck and chest.

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